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46 Comments so far:

  1. peter messaline says:

    It seems I set up your ffsyn app some tome ago, and now I am being reminded to click on the link in my email.
    Two problems: I don’t have an Android device, and the email is long since dead. How can I back out of this unwanted connection?

    • Editor says:

      @ peter messaline,

      I don’t know what email or link you are talking about.
      FFSync does not use any account on its own, it uses you Firefox account, so it might be about that, but I don’t know anything about that.

  2. Rashid Sheikh says:

    I paid 1GBP through my credit card to purchase Playepub Book Reader for my Blackberry Playbook on 18 July 2015 but have not received any. Response from you so far.

    • Editor says:

      @Rashid Sheikh,

      Purchase and installation processes are on Blackberry side, I cant help you with any of these.
      You should better ask App World customer care guys, they will probably help you with your issue.

  3. Miklós says:


    The app Send to Volvo stopped working 2-3 weeks ago. It gives the messages: “Error sending to car, please try again later.” This has happened several times earlier when googlemaps was updated but after every update it coud be fixed by reinstalling the StV app. Currently not even the reeinst can solve this issue. i don’t know what to do now the app seems to be dead, which is sad. Is there any solution for this?

  4. ada says:

    It does not work on my z30 have tried so many times, it shows it extracting but can’t still read the file

  5. ada says:

    I’m talking about the Uncompressor, not Playepub though

  6. ada says:

    When I extract the file I still can’t read it

    • Editor says:

      Sorry but I don’t understand your issue. Does your file get extracted with uncompressor or doesn’t? Do you get any error message?

  7. ada says:

    Can’t really explain, when it’s done extracting, should I not be able to view the extracted file, all I can see after it’s done is rename and delete, and after renaming it it still can’t be accessed

    • Editor says:

      @Uncompressor is just an extracting tool. After decompressing you should open the new file with the right app, sometimes you will see an open option if there is any registered app for that file type, but not always.

  8. ada says:

    OK, thank you very much. That explains it

  9. undbiter65 says:

    Recently purchased uncompressor from BlackBerry world. When trying to extract and it asks me for a password. Which I never set up. How can I extract my files?? What’s the password?

  10. Jesus Perez says:

    When trying to use uncompressor, it asks me for a password. What would this password be? I never set up a password. Help please.

  11. Kuldeep Kharb says:

    Dear Sir/Mam
    I am using blackberry passport version
    I have purchased your app from blackberry world last week but after installation I was not able to access my file and unable to import any file. Even I have downloaded my book from online link they are downloading but doesn’t open.

    Today I got new update than I tried to update but I was not able to update this. It’s always show network error but my network is working fine. Then I tried to reinstall the application but now I am facing same problem it shows network error. Than I checks this with other app they are downloading correctly and working fine.

    But I can’t download this app. Please fix the problem
    Thanks Hope for positive response

    • Editor says:

      @Kuldeep Kharb,
      Playepub is absolutely compatible with Passport, and even more, it is the best device to use it 🙂

      Installation and update process is on blackberry side, I can not help you, app is deployed from Blackberry servers. Usually these kind of issues are solved in a few hours. I had the same problem this morning and then it worked fine and I was able to download the update.

      Finally, books have to be opened within the app to be able to read. You have to first open any of them, even those downloaded ones. Use the button “new book” on home screen to locate your book and open it. Downloaded books from libreries are downloaded into “books” folder by default. If you can’t see your files you have probably denied that permission when installed, go to yout device “Settings -> Security and Privacy -> Application permissions -> Playepub” and check “shared files” in “on”.

  12. Kuldeep Kharb says:

    And I want to know this app is complete for passport or not

  13. Dominic B says:

    Dear Jesus

    I was very happy to find this app on the app store , as I was pretty sure it is going to help me.
    As it turned out it is very good , but it will not solve my problem with tethering.
    Just like you I am planning to use Bluetooth for tethering my navigation device to my smartphone.
    But my satnav (from TomTom range) does not establish bluetooth connection with my phone, therefore the tethering does not start automatically.
    I was hoping maybe you will be improving your app in the future, maybe you could introduce an extra feature, which enables tethering even if no particular device is connected?


    • Editor says:

      @Dominic B,
      Sorry but I don’t understand your issue. To be able to start a thetering conection under Bluetooth, your device, your Tom Tom has to first stablish a Bluetooth connection, it it does not do that it won’t be able to start the Internet connection, so, problem seems very strange.

  14. Alfredo says:

    La app Send to Volvo se me cierra sola, he probado a reinstalar y nada.

    Sigue siendo operativa, o ya no tiene soporte

    (Es de lo mejor para mi Volvo)

  15. Kelley Unrau says:

    Hey, pal, how are you doing? How’s your kid? It has been a long time.

    I tried to purchase Remote Media Player for PlayBook, but BlackBerrys’s purchase system is not working. I know you can’t do anything about it, just a heads up.

    • Editor says:

      @Kelley Unrau,
      How are you man? My kid is growing faster and I have another 6months one 🙂

      Sadly I don’t have a release bar and I don’t have the developmente environment anymore.
      Maybe what you can do if you have a BB10 device is to purchase it from BB10 and then you should be able to install the same app from Playbook. That way “should” work 😛

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