
Send to Volvo for Android

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This app has been discontinued at the request of Here.com for violation of its terms and conditions.
You can probably still find it by searching on Google or Torrent and it might still work.

If your Volvo is equipped with Sensus Navigation, you can send any location to the navigator system from your web browser, but you can’t from your mobile phone.

Now with “Send to Volvo” you can also send locations from Google Maps app on your smartphone to your car.

First thing you will notice is this app does not do anything when you launch it, that’s because it works only when you share locations from Google Maps.


From Google Maps, select a destination and choose “Share“:


Now choose “Send to Volvo“:


Just enter your Volvo identifier (email or VID) and send the location to your car.


From your Volvo in “Internet” -> Apps -> Send to car, you will find all the destinations (requires Internet conection with your phone).