
Net Shares File Explorer Support

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Please, leave a comment if you have any problem or suggestion.

258 Comments so far:

  1. William says:

    Cannot open jpg files. Only copy locally?

    Is there a plan to add view images?

  2. Stephen Vetter says:

    I have netshares file explorer installed on my blackberry tablet, but am not able to upgrade to the latest version. I get message “an error has occurred. Please try again later”

  3. Stefan says:

    Hi, I have installed the app on my Playbook using Blackberry World, bitte there is no shortcut existing at menue? What can I Do?

  4. Stefan says:

    Hi, tried several times to reinstall. What is meant by ‘main Desktop?

  5. Stefan says:

    Hi,please excuse my late answer, I’ve restarted my Playbook and now icon is existing. Regards, Stefan

  6. Mercedes says:

    Jesús. Instale el file explorar desde la app de Blackberry y directamente cundontoco el icono no abre, es decir se cierra inmediatamente, .que hago?

  7. vlad says:

    Net Shares File Explorer

    how to reduce font size in file list?

  8. Pragnesh says:

    I like this apps. I bought few days ago. I have quesiton as soon as my playbook go sceen go off then if I am playing music stop playing.

  9. Pragnesh says:

    Playbook … music stop playing when playbook screen goes to off… is it normal or i need to change setting. I would like this apps to play continues music

    • Editor says:

      @Pragnesh, it’s normal, it’s how it works. I think you can avoid this behaviour disabling standby mode, but I’m not sure, it’s a long time since I don’t use my PB. You can probably disable auto screen off.

  10. Klaus says:

    For a short time I got displayed the domain on my Laptop.
    Than never again I got connected anymore.
    What to do ?

  11. Klaus says:

    Saw that it got blocked by Kaspesky. What to do to get permanent access?

  12. Klaus says:

    I does’t work to get access to my Laptop in spite of switching of Kaspersky.

    • Editor says:

      How are you addint your settings about host?
      Is your laptop working fine sharing files and folders? Do you have access from other devices?

  13. Dirk says:

    Which smb protocol does your BlackBerry App uses? Only smb1?

    Greetings Dirk

  14. Dirk says:

    Hi there,

    I just deactivated the smb1 protocol on my Windows. Do your App support smb2 and smb3 also?

  15. Dirk says:

    Okay. Thanks.

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