Offline English Dictionary can help you playing games like Angry Words, just tell it the word pattern you need and let it find some matches!
With three easy rules you can find any word you need:
- ^: word starts with…
- $: word end
- .: one char, no matter which one
- Any letter: will match that letter
Some samples:
Pattern: home
Result: list all the words with “home” regardless of length or position: alcohometer, home, homeless…Pattern: ^home
Result: list all the words starting with “home”: home, homeless, hometown…Pattern: ^home.
Result: matches all the words starting with “home” and “at least” another char. This case will exclude “home”: homeless, hometown…Pattern: ^home.$
Result: matches all the words starting with “home” and any other char (no more than one): homeyPattern: ^home….$
Result: matches all the words starting with “home” and four more chars: homebody, homeless, hometown…Pattern: ^.e….$
Result: matches all the words of six chars length being the second one an “e”: aeolic, aerial, beacon…Pattern: ^.e.i..$
Result: matches all the words of six chars length being the second one an “e” and the fourth one an “i”: aerialPattern: ome$
Result: matches all the words ending in “ome” regardless of word lenth: awesome, become, chrome…Pattern: …..ome$
Result: matches all the words ending in “ome” and “at least” five chars before: downcome, epistome…Pattern: ^…..ome$
Result: matches all the words ending in “ome” and just five chars before.
Then just long tap on it and copy to clipboard or find its meaning:
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