
Remote Media Player Support

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11 Comments so far:

  1. David says:

    Is this project still supported? I cannot find the playbook app anywhere. I have remotedroid installed on my android phone (although I suspect my phone is not supported). Your project seems to be the only way to control videos played on the TV via playbook (without a BB phone)

    Kind regards

  2. Editor says:


    It’s still waiting for aproval on App World!
    Hope to be on sale tomorrow! Please, be patiente.

    Why do you say your phone is not supported?

  3. Jordan says:

    Does this program play files that have AC3 audio? Currently the native PB video player does not play files(avi) that have AC3 audio. I had a trial of a program that played such unsupported files but costs more than your program

  4. David says:

    Hi, i’ve been looking for this for a while to contrl vido in the carl.Does it ork without wirless using bluetoth?

    • Editor says:


      It should work with any kind of network, not necesarily wifi. If you can create a network with bluetooth (not sure if this can be done in Playbook or BB10), then it might work.
      There is no “direct” option to work under bluetooth, it needs a network.

  5. Joe says:

    I tried using the video for directions, but there does not seem to be any sound.

    That said, loaded this on my Playbook and installed the controller on my Android (running Jelly Bean).

    Both devices are connected via the same wifi network in my hotel, however I am unable to establish a connection.

    Any suggestions?

    Or is there a way to do this via bluetooth?

    • Editor says:

      Public wifi hotspots will probably block communications between devices for security reasons so it will not work properly. There is no other way, only wifi is supported.

  6. Richard says:

    Ive downloaded the player but the remote fails to load on my second playbook. I’m getting as install error. Latest firmware is loaded on both play books


  7. Nordal says:

    Hello Jesus,
    how is it possible to get the PBremote Android APP for download.
    I cannot find it in the Playstore?

    Thanks for your help and best regards.

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